Posts Tagged With: nail polish

It’s a Birthday!

Today is Eric’s Birthday! We woke up, had some gift giving AND ate a chocolate peanut butter silk pie that I made! Today was also the Mother of all Yard Sales in Everett. I bought some pink lemonade from a little girl selling it along the sidewalk. She even had lemon slices in the cup! She was selling pink lemonade, limeade and regular lemonade. We opted for the pink lemonade since she said it was her favorite.


Eric wanted to go to Bamboo Garden in Seattle for lunch and I’m not one to say no to some Bamboo Garden. I had some wonton udon noodle soup. So good!


Bamboo Garden serves sizzling plates that Eric has been lusting after for a long time. They’re a little pricey but since it was his Birthday I was able to talk him into finally having one. He approves.


These were my finds for the day! I’ve heard good things about Stiff so I picked it up at my favorite used book store in Fremont. The (racist?) Canadian Mounted Policeman was a yard sale find. I have a thing for Mounties so I had to add him to my collection! Also I’m apparently starting to wear nail polish. In the past week I’ve purchased three bottles of the stuff! I’m almost girly.


And this face was waiting for us at home! Cute little girl.

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