Monthly Archives: April 2009

the pet shop boys tell me i need more.

kerze-candlei don’t usually understand or even catch pop culture references or references to people in songs and movies. today i was listening to the new pet shop boys album and i heard a reference! i was kind of proud of myself.

in the lyrics they say…”you need more than the Gerhard Richter hanging on your wall…” do you know who Gerhard Richter is? i doooo! he’s an important photorealism painter of the 20th and 21st century. photorealism is a genre of painting where the final painting appears to be a photograph. they’re very realistic.

this is a painting that Richter did of a candle. it’s not a photo…it’s a painting! i think it’s pretty fun.

the new pet shop boys album is pretty amazing by the way. i really really liked their last record…but i might like the new one better. i’ll need to listen to it a little longer to decide that for sure though!

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